1-Who is azad qadir?
an/ Azad qadir is akurdish student at american university in selmani.
2-what is he surname?
an/ his surname is qadir.
3-where is he visiting?
an/ he is visiting NEWYORK.
4-why is he there?
an/ he is there becauce he wants to take part for the youth conferance.
5-who does azad meet in NEWYORK?
an/ he meets stella in NEWYORK.
6-who is stella?
an/ stella is Ms kate Reilly cousin.
7-who is kate Reilly?
an/ she is azad qadir's english teacher.
8-what does azad use to contact Ms Reilly?
an/ azad use skype phone to contact Ms Reilly.
9-who is the name of the conferance?
an/ the name of the conferance is action for a better world.
10-whats the little of the conferance?
an/ the littel of the conferance is action for better world
11-how many young representative are attending the conferance?
an/ there are over 2000 representative are attending the conferance.
12-how many countries are taking part in the conference?
an/ there are 176 countries are taking part in the conference.
13-where did azad stay in NEWYORK?
an/ azad stayed at the big Apple Hostel in NEW YORK.
14-whats the tittle of azad's first presentation?
an/ the tittle of azad's first presentation is building the new KURDISTAN.
15-when did azad give his first presentation?
an/ azdad gave his first presentation on Tuesday at 2.p.m..
16-what's azad's second presentation about?
an/ azad's second presentation is about oil and water Resources in the middle fast.
17-when did azad's second presentation start?
an/ azad's second presentation started on Wednesday at 11:30 a.m..
18-who opened the conferance ancl when?
an/ the conferance opned by the Mayor of NEWYORK on Monday at 9:30 a.m..
19-where did they suggest ti visit in NEW YORK?
an/ they suggested visit the Empire statue building and statue of librety in NEWYORK.